Popular University of Food Science and Technology
Below are the listed popular colleges in Food Science and Technology. However, the position of their listing does not necessarily mean the rank of university.
1. University of Wisconsin, Stout – USA
Innovation Through Education…
Below are the listed popular colleges in Food Science and Technology. However, the position of their listing does not necessarily mean the rank of university.
1. University of Wisconsin, Stout – USA
Chemistry of Fats and oil
Fats and oil are triglycerides ester of fats. They are made up of glycerol (OH) base and fatty acid (carboxylic group). Fatty acid is not itself fat. After esterification, it becomes fat. Glyceride is the backbone of fat and oil.
Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehyde or polyhydroxy ketones of compounds thereof or polymers that can liberate those compounds upon hydrolysis. With some exceptions, carbohydrates have general formula CnH2nOn where n refers to any positive integer. Carbohydrates can be represented by (CH2O)n where n ≥ 3. Carbohydrates are major source of energy for man and many animals. In man’s diet, the chief carbohydrate is starch. For child, lactose is major source of carbohydrate.
Food means any substances eaten or drunk which meets the need for energy, body regulation and protection. Food is that which nourish the body. Food may be processed, semi-processed or unprocessed but must be safe. According to Food Act of Nepal 2023; food means any unprocessed, semi processed or processed food or drinking substances which the human being generally consume and drinks include any spices, food additives, color or flavor to be used in any food or drinking substances.
Foods are divided into five different groups on the basis of similarity of nutrient they provide. For example, milk, yogurt, cheese group of food provide calcium and protein while fruit group is good source of vitamins especially vitamin C. according to United States department of Agriculture (USDA), food are classified into following five food groups.