Fundamental of use of Alcohol and its Terminologies

Alcohol is an intoxicating ingredients found in beer, wine and liquor. Even though there are countless number of drawback due to inferior quality liquor consume or due to heavy drinking pattern. However, some research claims, moderate drinking gives better health and longer life than abstaining from alcohol. The occurrence of heavy metals, higher alcohol, fusel oil is higher in fake or inferior quality alcohol in comparison to national or international standard of quality alcohol. Such inferior quality liquor is harmful to our health at any dose.

Moderate or sensible drinking:

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Malting of Barley

It is controlled germination process that activates enzyme of resting grain resulting in the conversion of cereal starch to fermentable sugar and partial hydrolysis of protein and other macromolecule. During malting, large molecular weight components of endosperm cell walls, the storage protein and starch granules are hydrolyzed by enzymes rendering them more soluble in water. All cereals grains are capable of undergoing malting barley is the best. Barley is best for malting because, the husk tightly protect the endosperm and developing germ. Also husk aids as filtration aids dring brewing and making extraction easy. The most suitable type of barley for malting are Read more